Friends at Freedom Fields


Hi every-pawdy! My name is Cookie, aka “the best boy” (or so I’m told)! Today I would like to tell you about a few of the snifftastic things I’ve done over the month of February.

This month during one of my daily walks, suddenly, a bunch of white flakes started falling from the sky – by the time my next walk rolled around, I couldn’t see the grass anymore, it was covered in a layer of something cold, wet and fluffy….. It reminded me of that weird fuzzy stuff that comes out of my toys when I’ve played with them for a long time. With all of my might, I bravely took a step into the unknown. The air was chilly on my ears and that white fluff was cold on my paws. I didn’t want to play in it for long, but I surely had a barking good time chasing snowballs for a little bit!


Friends at Freedom Fields - Cookie


Friends at Freedom Fields - Cookie


One day while taking a nap, a little birdie came and told me I was on the Freedom Fields spa schedule, which I won’t lie, made me a little nervous, but I was a brave little beagle, and I hopped in the tub. The water was warm and gentle, the bubbles were plentiful, and boy oh boy do I smell like a million dollars now! After a fluffy towel dried me off, I got a few delicious snacks. Just when I thought this day couldn’t get any better, I got a pawdicure. My nails got trimmed, and my paw pads were massaged. It was so relaxing it made me fall asleep!


Friends at Freedom Fields - Cookie


Friends at Freedom Fields - Cookie


Friends at Freedom Fields - Cookie


When I woke up the next morning, I got to be a part of a HUGE party! What were we celebrating, you might ask? I wondered the same thing. I couldn’t believe my ears when I found out it was my 1 year anniversary of being FREE! It was a very exciting day filled with lots of fun and surprises, and all of my favorite volunteers came to visit me, too!

Before the Beagle Freedom Project rescued me and all my friends, days used to be long and lonely just sitting in a cage, my life has changed so much for the better thanks to all of these kind people. From all the treats I could ever ask for, to lots of daily walks in the sunshine, every day is a new adventure. Although I am still waiting on my furrever home, I am so thankful to be a free beagle! Thank you Beagle Freedom Project!


Friends at Freedom Fields - Cookie