
After being rescued, many Beagle Freedom Project animals begin their new life of freedom in a loving foster home. By fostering with Beagle Freedom Project, you offer laboratory surviving animals the love, comfort, and rehabilitation assistance they need until they find a forever home. Join our outstanding community of animal fosters by applying to foster with Beagle Freedom Project today!



About Fostering with Beagle Freedom Project


Beagle Freedom Project is the world’s leading organization devoted to rescuing animals used in experimental research. Until being rescued, most laboratory surviving animals spend their entire life in a small cage with no enrichment, affection, or socialization. Due to the traumatic nature of a laboratory surviving animal’s background, these animals require an abundance of understanding, patience, and rehabilitation assistance. However, with the help of a compassionate foster, laboratory surviving animals will oftentimes reveal themselves as the most loving animals one could ever hope to meet! For this reason, Beagle Freedom Project maintains a thorough process when considering animal foster applicants.

If you would like to help an animal in need by fostering with Beagle Freedom Project, please fill out BFP’s foster application with as much detail as possible. A member of BFP’s Rescue Team will review your application once submitted, and you will then be contacted when a foster need arises in your area or within your described travel parameters.

Our Foster Program Overview

Beagle Freedom Project maintains a multi-step approval process for our fosters. Here’s what to expect:


STEP ONE: Submit BFP’s foster application.

Please include as much information about yourself, your home, your lifestyle, and your other animals (if applicable) in your application as possible!

STEP TWO: If your foster application is approved, the BFP Rescue Team will contact you when a foster need arises in your area or within your described travel parameters.

STEP THREE: Once contacted by BFP’s Rescue Team, you will be asked for your soonest availability to complete BFP’s foster onboarding process.

BFP’s foster onboarding process includes a phone interview (this will help us further determine which animal is your best foster fit, prepare you for being placed with one of BFP’s animals, allow us to cover BFP’s foster program terms, and provide you with an opportunity to ask any outstanding questions regarding fostering with BFP), virtual home check, and reference checks.

STEP FOUR: Once you have completed BFP’s foster onboarding process, you will then review and sign BFP’s animal placement agreements.

STEP FIVE: Once The BFP Rescue Team has received your signed animal placement agreements, you will then be officially greenlit to begin fostering an animal in need!

Once you are greenlit to begin fostering, the BFP Rescue Team will work with you to create a pickup plan for the animal that you will be fostering from their current holding location.

STEP SIX: The BFP Rescue Team will support and guide you throughout the entirety of your fostering experience!

TO NOTE: Yes, you may potentially be permitted to adopt your BFP foster animal should the BFP Rescue Team feel that they are your perfect match!

Our Foster Program Requirements

To foster a Beagle Freedom Project animals you must:


• Be at least 21 years of age.

• Be willing and able to provide your foster animal with basic care necessities like food, water, enrichment items, etc..

• Be willing to transport your foster animal to and from all veterinary appointments.

• Be cruelty-free or willing to become cruelty free. Being cruelty free means that you do not purchase products that are tested on animals (with the exception of pharmaceutical drugs). Practicing a cruelty-free lifestyle is one of the biggest impacts that an individual can make in the fight against animal testing! As consumers, shopping cruelty-free allows us to convey to companies that we do not want to buy products that are developed by using, abusing, and exploiting animals.

• Embrace your foster animal’s role as a Beagle Freedom Project ambassador by sharing their story in an effort to educate other members of your community about Beagle Freedom Project’s mission!



If you have any questions regarding fostering an animal from Beagle Freedom Project, please feel free to contact us by email at ADOPT@BFP.ORG or by phone at 818-382-6500.