Name: Hunter
Breed: Beagle
Gender: Male
Age: 2 yr old
Location: Los Angeles, CA

Hunter was rescued in China where he was used in animal experimentation in a laboratory. He is now about 2 years old.
Hunter was in a foster home for several months and having a very difficult time acclimating. BFP and his foster tried many different methods of helping him adjust and learn a daily routine. Hunter has been seen and assessed by a professional dog behavioralist, enrolled in doggie daycare and tried containing him in a safe space while his human could not be with him. After months of work, Hunter progressed after routinely visits to doggie daycare and loved him time spent there with the other dogs. Sadly, his routine has changed and Hunter has fallen back into his old ways of being destructive when left alone at home and suffering severe separation anxiety.
We are now looking for a very specific home where someone can be home all day, have at least one another active playful and social dog, and someone who will be able to enroll Hunter is doggie daycare, activity classes and exercise him daily. He requires a lot of stimulation and does best when he is constantly kept occupied and busy. He would love an enclosed backyard to play in as well.
Hunter has a lot of love to give someone special. He loves other dogs and he is wonderful with children. He will make a great addition to someone’s family, in the right home. He is microchipped, up to date on vaccinations and neutered.