Name: Kingston
Breed: Labrador Retriever Mix
Gender: Male
Age: 3 yrs old
Location: Wilmington, NC

Meet Kingston!
This sweet and beautiful boy has been through some tough times: Kingston was rescued by Beagle Freedom Project after he was a victim of “pound seizure“, which is still legal in 32 states across the U.S, in which he was sold to a laboratory facility from an animal shelter. From there, he was subject to having a car hit him in a laboratory facility in order to break his bones so they could repeatedly put him back together.
Despite his past experiences, Kingston is a loving boy who loves to cuddle! He’s a bit of a goofball, too, and loves to play with toys, and is very happy when he gets to go for a ride in the car. This fella deserves the best: a loving home with with a bed of his own and good food and belly rubs!

I am so happy to be out and running around!
I just moved here and I gotta tell you – a lucky dog like me can really get used to all these trees ‘n’ open space.
Because I haven’t always lived in a place this beautiful. Before, I lived in a waking nightmare.
I was sold to an animal testing lab by the shelter where I was held captive. At the lab, they used me to study broken bones – my broken bones – after I was hit over and over again by a car on purpose for their research.
I have only ever known this misery until you helped free me from this nightmare. I didn’t think I would get out of it alive. But I did.
It’s because of you, I now have….
P.S. Shelters selling dogs like me to animal testing facilities is legal and more common than you think. The horrific practice is called pound seizure and needs to stop. Learn more here and help BFP to end pound seizure once and for all.