Name: Muffin
Breed: Domestic Short Shair
Gender: Female
Age: 6 Month Old
Location: Los Angeles, CA.

Muffin came to us this spring from Devore shelter in San Bernardino. We rescued her from the kill-shelter and brought her to the safety of a kitty foster home. She has been introduced to dogs small and large, and other cats. She is a friendly and curious little cat.
Muffin is extremely affectionate and loving. She will be an excellent companion kitty to really anyone. We would highly recommend she be adopted to someone who can give her lots of love and someone who has another cat or even a dog. She seems to enjoy the company of other animals in the home. She is snuggly and enjoys finding little hiding places to curl up in a ball and fall fest asleep. She really loves scratches on the cheek and all over her tiny body. She is a delicate little muffin. We named her Muffin because as soon as we rescued and loved on her, she started making “muffins” or kneading at the blankets.
We feel blessed for her to come into our rescue and cannot wait to find this gentle kitty her forever, special family!