It’s been so busy here at the Beagle Freedom Project headquarters that we haven’t had a second to let everyone know about all of our recent rescues!

We are so excited to introduce these beautiful beagle faces to you: Say hello to Blossom, Paddy & Chai.



At first, Chai was very shy and hesitant to leave her crate. After all, this was the first time she had ever seen the outside world.

After a lot of coaxing and time, Chai finally exited her “safe space” with her body low to the ground, moving slowly, but Blossom & Paddy were there to greet her with their heads held high and their tails up.

The confidence was contagious as the three of them then started to explore their new world together. Their tall white tails dancing in the California sun.



This serves as a great demonstration of why we must adopt our dogs into homes with other dogs.

The guidance of confident dogs provides them with so much comfort in their brand-new world.

Now, with the passing of the FDA Modernization Act, we will continue to make progressive steps to put pressure on companies who still choose to test on animals, and soon labs like those that use and abuse these dogs will be closed forever.

Thank you for helping us end this! Please help us continue by making a donation in honor of the Rainbow Rescue: