Name: Rally
Breed: Beagle
Gender: Male
Age: 8 Years Old
Location: Los Angeles Area

Howdy! My name is Rally,
You may not know just by looking at me, but I am a survivor! Survivor of what you might ask? Animal Testing. It was 8 years of constant fear and neglect. I was locked up in a cold, metal cage, only getting out when I was “needed.” I never knew a caring/loving person or even experienced a gentle touch… until now!
When that cage door opened and I was carried outside, I didn’t know what was happening. I was scared, but it didn’t take very long for me to realize my life just got a whole lot better! I’ve learned a lot since being rescued. My new friends taught me to run around like a wild man and to play with these things that squeak when you bite em! I can’t get enough of them! I’ve also come to love human interaction! Getting pet and receiving this overwhelming feeling of love is something I’ve never felt before—and it’s something I will cherish forever! If you’re looking for someone to love, I’m the one for you! I’ll gladly accept belly rubs and ear scratches! I’ll even give you kisses in return!