Winston is a victim of “pound seizure“, which is still legal in 32 states across the U.S, in which he was purchased from a shelter and sold to a laboratory facility. Winston was subject to cosmetic testing to his face and body resulting in burns and scars. read more
Day: June 26, 2019

Kingston was rescued by Beagle Freedom Project after he was a victim of "pound seizure", which is still legal in 32 states across the U.S, in which he was sold to a laboratory facility from an animal shelter. read more

Emerald is from an animal testing laboratory in Mexico where she had been released from a shelter to the facility for experimentation, known as "pound seizure". read more

Cary is a victim of "pound seizure", which is still legal in 32 states across the U.S, in which she was purchased from a shelter and sold to a laboratory facility. Cary ultimately had her tail broken in attempt to have it put back together. read more