Hi, I’m Asher! Clearly I like to play and usually I demand attention! If I walk by you, I expect you to pet me because I’m fun-loving obviously adorable! This is what I love: Zoomies, Sleeping in a big bed, Chewing paper, Stealing socks, Other doggies, Steak and ground beef – Walks!!! This is what I don’t like: Garbage trucks on pick up day, When my socks get taken away, Sudden loud noises on my walks! read more
Day: July 9, 2020

Walter is sweet and loving, and loves to nestle into bed! At first he did not know how to play and had never learned how. Now he runs after the ball, jumps on the couch, and leaps onto cushions! He does zoomies and will chase the tennis ball forever! He runs into things, he tries to jump, misses, but it doesn’t phase him - he just lives to play now. read more

Hi Freddy! Freddy is a happy, sweet, silly, little boy who is always looking for cuddles. He's very curious and is in love with his stuffed chicken leg TOY! Freddy constantly asks to be held, but what he loves most in the world is his daily walks. He bounds the whole way, tail wagging constantly. read more