You don’t know me. But I know You. You got me out of that horrible laboratory. You got me to freedom. You didn’t ask any questions when I needed help. My name Is Hazel. The lab induced seizures in me but YOU saved me. I still have seizures, but because of you, I can live in peace and with love. Thank you for my freedom. read more
Day: November 26, 2020

My Name is Journey and I Have Hope.
I wish I had the words, but I don’t. But, you could see the pain in my eyes, the desire in heart, and the hope in my steps….I couldn’t let you touch me when you freed me, but I wanted to let you. Being in a laboratory for so long, it does things to you….. read more

My Name is Birdie and I Have a Story to Tell
I was hurting for a long time. I had huge tumors that touched the ground. It was hard to eat or go potty, my skin hurt too but I couldn’t scratch it. I felt like giving up. But then I was saved. At first, I wasn’t sure what was happening. I was scared, but I felt love and trust. It was because of YOU, that my rescue was possible. read more