Hey there, my name is Jax, but my friends call me Jax! I recently found my voice after years silenced in the laboratory. Animal testing is hard, but I’m not looking back. I have a voice and I’m going to use it! I think I’m a born communicator, but I also like to listen. That’s what besties do right? They tell each other secrets and listen and just hang out. I’m your guy, that’s my thing! How about you and I walk, talk, listen and just enjoy each other’s company,…
Day: July 8, 2021

Good day, Pippen over here. This is my first taste of freedom after 7 years in a laboratory. It is a pleasure to breathe clean air, eat food slowly and enjoy human company. I think I could become accustomed to the good things in life. I never thought I deserved them or was even destined for them - but here I am. Living, breathing, playing, walking and loving every minute of my sweet freedom. The world is my oyster or should I say my playground or should I say my…

Me me!!!! I’m Carey My friends and I were just sprung! I don’t think we deserved to be locked up, but there we were. I’m not even sure why they let us out but I sure am grateful! Now I’m not looking back, only forward for me. I still get a little scared around those 2 legends, but so far I’ve been treated like a king. Cushy beds, cool grass, rubs and pets anytime I walk by - I had no idea those humans could be sooo nice! I even…

Hi there I’m Nash - so nice to be able to say hi. The last 7 years of my life have been pretty lonely and hard and then one day I got into this big moving box and the next thing I knew I was on some spongy green stuff with some others who looked just like me. At first it was scary, but then everyone seemed to want to say hi. There was water and food and no bars anywhere. I was free, I was really free. It seems…