FDA Modernization Act promises to spare animals, bring safer and better treatments to patients, and drive down drug prices. Today's Congressional vote means the FDA will no longer mandate animal-testing for new pharmaceuticals. read more
Category: Press Release

Assemblymember Bloom Reintroduces Legislation to Modernize Animal Blood Banking in California
SACRAMENTO – Today, Assemblymember Richard Bloom (D-Santa Monica) introduced Assembly Bill 1953, legislation to expand licensed veterinarians’ scope of practice to include the collection and sales of blood and blood products collected from dogs.

BFP Wins Its 3 years Battle Against Mizzou
In 2016, Beagle Freedom Project was forced to bring a lawsuit against Mizzou for failure to disclose documents pertaining to the dogs and cats it performs experimentation tests on in response to BFP’s request under the state’s “Sunshine Law.” read more

Assemblymember Bloom Welcomes Canine Blood Bank Survivors Lennon and Skipper to the Capito
AB 366- the California Pet Blood Bank Modernization Act is branded “Lennon’s Law” (Sacramento) – Assemblymember Richard Bloom (D-Santa Monica) along with Wendy Carrillo (D-Los Angeles) and Cottie Petrie-Norris (D-Laguna Beach) were joined at the Capitol today by “Lennon” and “Skipper,” two greyhound dogs rescued from one of California’s two “closed colony” dog blood banks, to share details of their experiences as captive involuntary blood donors at a commercial animal blood bank. California is the only state in the country that prohibits the sale of animal blood for use by…

Assemblymember Bloom Introduces Legislation to Modernize Animal Blood Banking in California
SACRAMENTO – Today, Assemblymember Richard Bloom (D-Santa Monica) introduced Assembly Bill 366, also known as the California Pet Blood Bank Modernization Act, aimed at allowing animal blood banks in California to utilize a donor blood collection system for dogs and cats. Existing California law requires animal blood banks to collect blood exclusively from so-called “closed colonies” – which confine donor animals to cages and kennels for months or years. By contrast, other states allow blood banks to collect animal blood in a community-based, voluntary setting. These programs don’t rely on…

USDA Faces Challenge Over Secret Records of Animal Suffering
PETA-Led Coalition Demands That Agency Release Full Annual Reports From Laboratories That Subject Animals to Unmitigated Pain For Immediate Release: July 16, 2018 Contact: Megan Wiltsie 202-483-7382 Washington – This morning, a PETA-led coalition sent a request to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) demanding that the agency disclose the full annual reports submitted by laboratories—including their justifications for denying animals relief from pain and distress. After the coalition filed a lawsuit challenging the USDA’s removal of thousands of federal Animal Welfare Act–related records from its website, the agency partially…

Animal rescue group Cuts the Cruelty by exposing company toying with animals in labs
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE LOS ANGELES, CA—Animal protection group Beagle Freedom Project (BFP), known internationally for rescuing hundreds of animals from animal research laboratories, is announcing its new “Cut the Cruelty” campaign, to shine a bright light on companies with cruel ties to animal testing. First up, Marshall Pet Products, a pet supply retailer selling toys and treats, is also the largest U.S. supplier of beagles, ferrets and other animals used in laboratory experiments. Online retail giant Overstock.com has already pulled all merchandise from Marshall Pet Products after BFP informed them…