Petunia has seen so much neglect in her four years that it’s hard to comprehend how she could still be such a sweet dog. She’s had her ears chopped off, she’s been abandoned multiple times, tied to a pole in the heat, and ended up in a shelter facing euthanasia. read more
Author: BFP

New Delaware Law Gives Lab Animals a Second Chance at Life
A new Delaware law will give research animals a better life after they retire from the laboratories. Gov. John Carney signed a bill Wednesday afternoon that will require all research facilities that receive public funding to put retired dogs and cats up for adoption, rather than euthanizing them. The bill, which was passed unanimously by the senate in May, will make Delaware the eighth state to enact a so-called “Beagle Freedom” law. The laws, which are nicknamed after one of the most commonly tested on dog breeds, seek to provide…

Year of the Dog Rescue Recap
In Chinese astrology, each year is related to a Chinese zodiac animal. 2018 is Year of the Dog and we took this to heart! We kicked off 2018 with the rescue of 15 dogs from China. 12 of the dogs were beagles rescued from animal testing. 2 of the dogs were rescued from the meat trade and 1 was a shelter stray in bad condition with a malformed leg. Watch their inspirational stories of freedom and survival and share the love. Grab your tissues!

Meet the Companies That Put Animals First
Slathering on sunscreen before a day at the beach means you’re protecting your skin from the elements, but there’s more to that squirt of SPF than meets the eye. And the same goes for a swipe of lipstick or a dollop of shampoo because unfortunately, the cosmetics industry has a dark side. According to Shannon Keith, founder of the Beagle Freedom Project, “[In the U.S.,] animal testing is not required by law, therefore, companies that test on animals choose to do so. The public is often misled when a company…

Condoms, Cosmetics & Cruelty: Putting an End to Animal Testing with Beagle Freedom Project
Not only are pets largely considered members of the family, but they’re also the subject of a niche economy. This year, Americans are projected to spend more than $72 billion on pet-related expenditures. Increasingly, young American couples opt for fur babies over real babies due to the reduced financial commitment offered by dogs and cats. Beyond the market for chew toys and gourmet food, dogs also play an unfortunate role in a far more sinister industry: consumer product testing. Despite America’s broadly positive attitude toward pets, they’re still used as…

The Stork Has Landed
Welcome Maddie and her puppies! Maddie and pups were rescued from a laboratory and thanks to your support, we are able to care for them, rehabilitate mom, get them veterinary care and find them loving homes. Thanks to your support, they will never see the inside of a laboratory again.

Blind Dog Was Saved From Lab Just In Time To Be A Mom
Her life has so much meaning now. When rescuers saved a blind beagle named Maria from a Chinese laboratory, they thought they were saving one dog’s life. But they ended up saving seven lives. Maria, who is now 10 years old, had spent her entire life in a cold, steel cage in a laboratory in Cheng Du, China. “I can’t say 100 percent for sure, but it’s obvious that she’s been used as a breeder,” Shannon Keith, president and founder of Beagle Freedom Project, a rescue group based in California,…

A Blind Survivor
Meet Maria. 10 years old, blinded from the testing done to her inside a Chinese laboratory. Then impregnated, for what was probably at least the 10th time. Maria had never known sunshine, grass, toys or treats. Maria had her sight stolen from her before she could even see the world she will come to know now... because now, she is FREE. read more

Heartwarming Story About a Beagle and Her Puppies Rescued From a Lab in China Will Make You Tear Up!
It’s hard to imagine that anyone could confine a sweet, floppy-eared Beagle in a cage and put it through an immense amount of pain and suffering, yet animal experimenters around the world seem to have no remorse about doing so. Maria, a 10-year-old Beagle, is one of the many victims of cruel animal testing. Caged up at a laboratory in China, Maria spent her entire life being treated like an object rather than a living thing. She was forcibly bred over and over again to bring more puppies into the…

Maria and her puppies on KTLA 5 News
MARIA and her PUPPIES ARRIVED! Watch BFP Founder & President Shannon Keith on KTLA 5 News. Maria is a 10 year old blind laboratory survivor who was rescued when she was pregnant. Maria spent 10 years in a cage being forced to breed more puppies for animal testing! Original Article: KTLA 5 News

Lab dog to lap dog: Research animals get new lease on life
Eight states have passed laws requiring research institutions to offer healthy dogs and cats up for adoption, rather than killing them. Ringo the beagle loves all the things every dog would: Running in the yard, rides in the car and the frequent snack. “He’s just so happy to sit right in your lappy,” his owner, Amy Bleich, an engineer in Edgewater, Maryland, said. You’d never know that Ringo, now five years old, had lived the entire first two years of his life inside a small cage at a nearby medical…

Delaware bill ordering research labs to release retired cats & dogs passes Senate
The Delaware State Senate voted unanimously to legally compel research laboratories to release healthy dogs and cats that are often times euthanized when facilities no longer need them for testing. If the Governor signs the legislation, Delaware will become the eighth state to enact such a law which will legally compel research laboratories in the state to release dogs and cats that are no longer needed for testing to rescue groups so that they can be adopted into loving families. Prior to the passage of the bill the facilities could,…