A native of Studio City, California, Shannon Keith was raised as an only child where animals were always her best friends. “I grew up with all kinds of rescue animals – dogs and cats, and animal we’d rescue from the street, including injured birds and such. My mother was very encouraging of that. So it was a very nurturing atmosphere that cared for animals.” By the time she got to college she decided to become an animal rights attorney. “When I first heard that animals were considered chattel, meaning a…
Category: In The Press

Adorable Cats Rescued From Life in Labs Need Your Help!
Right now, more than 20,000 cats and 65,000 dogs across the U.S. are currently caged up in labs, where they are used as test subjects for our cosmetics, prescription drugs, and other products. Forced to undergo experiments that subject them to unimaginable pain and often result in lasting health consequences, these poor animals are treated like objects rather than living creatures. No different from the felines and canines we bring into our homes as pets, these innocent victims of laboratory experimentation crave love and affection, but they don’t get anything…

Massachusetts Senate passes bill to promote adoption of research animals
The Massachusetts Senate has adopted a bill that will allow families to adopt research animals once labs have concluded their testing. An Act Protecting Research Animals, also known as the “Beagle Bill,” requires product testing facilities to spare dogs and cats from automatic euthanasia and offer them for adoption through animal rescue organizations. “This common-sense legislation protects research animals and ensures that they will receive the dignified care and companionship they deserve, rather than face an early death,” Senate President Karen Spilka said in a statement. “As a lifelong animal…

Abandoned, Paralyzed Dog Found in China Looking for New Home in the U.S.
Bennie is a fighter! The adorable black Lab was abandoned on the streets of China. Worse yet, the 6-month-old canine’s rear legs were paralyzed. Thankfully, where there are lows there are also highs: Bennie was saved by rescuers and is currently being cared for. In hopes of getting the friendly pooch walking on his own again, rescuers set up surgery for Bennie. It has been several months since his operation, and the Lab still can’t walk unassisted. But the Beagle Freedom Project still has a lot of hope and help…

Dogs Find Forever Homes In US After Escaping Meat Trade In China
LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) — Five dogs rescued from the Chinese food market arrived in Los Angeles Saturday to find forever homes. The group — Rescue And Freedom Project — says ten dogs in all were rescued. Some of the dogs have also been used for experiments in labs, the group says. Eight were rescued from the food truck, the other two suffered chemical burns and paralysis. The five dogs that arrived Saturday include three beagles, a Labrador and a husky. The remaining dogs will arrive in the US on July…

Gov. Carney signs bill that gives ex-lab animals a second chance at life
DOVER, Del. (WTXF) – A Delaware law aimed at giving new life to former lab animals is officially in the books. On Wednesday, Gov. John Carney signed Senate Bill 101, The Research Animal Retirement Act, into law. Under the new legislation, commonly referred to as the ‘Beagle Freedom Bill,’ research facilities that receive public funding will be required to offer their cats and dogs for adoption instead of euthanizing them when they are no longer needed. Students and staff of the institution in question would have the option of adopting…

Bills That Will Enable Former Lab Animals to Be Adopted Into Forever Homes Pass in 2 States!
The Beagle Freedom Bill, a game-changing measure which allows former lab dogs and cats to be adopted into homes, has just passed in the eighth and ninth state to sign it into law. The Research Animal Retirement Act was passed in Delaware and Rhode Island, and it will change the lives of countless animals as it legally obliges laboratories to release dogs and cats no longer used for testing to rescue organizations that will provide the animals with normal lives and loving homes. In Delaware, The Research Animal Retirement Act,…

New Delaware Law Gives Lab Animals a Second Chance at Life
A new Delaware law will give research animals a better life after they retire from the laboratories. Gov. John Carney signed a bill Wednesday afternoon that will require all research facilities that receive public funding to put retired dogs and cats up for adoption, rather than euthanizing them. The bill, which was passed unanimously by the senate in May, will make Delaware the eighth state to enact a so-called “Beagle Freedom” law. The laws, which are nicknamed after one of the most commonly tested on dog breeds, seek to provide…

Meet the Companies That Put Animals First
Slathering on sunscreen before a day at the beach means you’re protecting your skin from the elements, but there’s more to that squirt of SPF than meets the eye. And the same goes for a swipe of lipstick or a dollop of shampoo because unfortunately, the cosmetics industry has a dark side. According to Shannon Keith, founder of the Beagle Freedom Project, “[In the U.S.,] animal testing is not required by law, therefore, companies that test on animals choose to do so. The public is often misled when a company…

Condoms, Cosmetics & Cruelty: Putting an End to Animal Testing with Beagle Freedom Project
Not only are pets largely considered members of the family, but they’re also the subject of a niche economy. This year, Americans are projected to spend more than $72 billion on pet-related expenditures. Increasingly, young American couples opt for fur babies over real babies due to the reduced financial commitment offered by dogs and cats. Beyond the market for chew toys and gourmet food, dogs also play an unfortunate role in a far more sinister industry: consumer product testing. Despite America’s broadly positive attitude toward pets, they’re still used as…

Blind Dog Was Saved From Lab Just In Time To Be A Mom
Her life has so much meaning now. When rescuers saved a blind beagle named Maria from a Chinese laboratory, they thought they were saving one dog’s life. But they ended up saving seven lives. Maria, who is now 10 years old, had spent her entire life in a cold, steel cage in a laboratory in Cheng Du, China. “I can’t say 100 percent for sure, but it’s obvious that she’s been used as a breeder,” Shannon Keith, president and founder of Beagle Freedom Project, a rescue group based in California,…

Heartwarming Story About a Beagle and Her Puppies Rescued From a Lab in China Will Make You Tear Up!
It’s hard to imagine that anyone could confine a sweet, floppy-eared Beagle in a cage and put it through an immense amount of pain and suffering, yet animal experimenters around the world seem to have no remorse about doing so. Maria, a 10-year-old Beagle, is one of the many victims of cruel animal testing. Caged up at a laboratory in China, Maria spent her entire life being treated like an object rather than a living thing. She was forcibly bred over and over again to bring more puppies into the…