Eight states have passed laws requiring research institutions to offer healthy dogs and cats up for adoption, rather than killing them. Ringo the beagle loves all the things every dog would: Running in the yard, rides in the car and the frequent snack. “He’s just so happy to sit right in your lappy,” his owner, Amy Bleich, an engineer in Edgewater, Maryland, said. You’d never know that Ringo, now five years old, had lived the entire first two years of his life inside a small cage at a nearby medical…
Category: News

Delaware bill ordering research labs to release retired cats & dogs passes Senate
The Delaware State Senate voted unanimously to legally compel research laboratories to release healthy dogs and cats that are often times euthanized when facilities no longer need them for testing. If the Governor signs the legislation, Delaware will become the eighth state to enact such a law which will legally compel research laboratories in the state to release dogs and cats that are no longer needed for testing to rescue groups so that they can be adopted into loving families. Prior to the passage of the bill the facilities could,…

Bill spares lives of research dogs, cats
DOVER — The General Assembly has passed legislation that would forbid lab animals from being euthanized after finishing their time as test subjects. The measure now goes to Gov. John Carney. A spokesman for the governor said the bill is being reviewed. Senate Bill 101 would require any entity that receives public money, works on research with a higher education institute or has tax-exempt status to put up for adoption any cats or dogs used for scientific tests or education. An animal with “substantial medical conditions or safety risks preventing…

Delaware Passes Law Requiring Laboratories to Retire Animals So They Can Find Loving Homes After Tests
Delaware has just become the next state to pass the historic Beagle Freedom Bill! “The Research Animal Retirement Act” (SB 101) legally compels research laboratories in the state to release dogs and cats no longer needed for testing to rescue groups, so that the animals can be adopted into loving families. It passed the Delaware General Assembly following a final favorable vote from the Senate. Once the bill is signed by Governor John Carney, Delaware will become the eighth U.S. state to enact the law. Beagle Freedom Project, the organization…

Delaware Senate decides companies should stop automatically killing healthy animals when they're done with them as test subjects
On Tuesday, the Delaware Senate voted to stop automatically killing perfectly healthy cats and dogs who’d been retired from their positions as test animals. The legislation passed unanimously. “I’m honestly amazed that this was even a debate,” said Sen. Jack Walsh (D-Stanton), a rescue dog owner himself. “We have healthy animals that research labs don’t want. We have local shelters that are willing to care for them. We have families that might want to adopt them. It defies reason that anyone would choose to euthanize them instead of giving them…

Fido Survived The Research Lab. Now What?
Maryland just became the seventh state to enact a “Beagle Freedom” law, which seeks to find homes for cats and dogs that survive testing in research labs. Every day, in labs across the United States, researchers experiment on thousands of cats and dogs. They test new surgical techniques, inoculate the animals with experimental drugs and remove organs, all in the name of advancing human knowledge and developing consumer products such as face creams and window cleaners. Until recently, no laws covered what should happen to animals that survive the lab…

Motion Proposes LA Government Only Uses Cruelty-Free Products
A motion to ensure Los Angeles’ city government only purchases supplies such as cleaning products and hand soaps that are free from animal testing was introduced Wednesday by Councilman Bob Blumenfield. “Testing cleaning products on animals is not only based on flawed and arcane science, but it is simply despicable and disturbing that major companies in our country treat man’s best friend like a science experiment,” Blumenfield said. “We can do better and we must do better.” As part of the proposal, Blumenfield celebrated the nonprofit animal rights organization, Beagle…

Historic Bill That Requires Research Labs to Retire and Adopt Out Animals Passes in Maryland!
On April 24, 2018, Larry Hogan, Governor of Maryland, signed the Beagle Freedom Bill – a measure that legally compels research laboratories to release dogs and cats who are no longer needed in testing, allowing them to be adopted into loving homes! Maryland is the seventh U.S. state to pass this legislation, saving the lives of countless animals. The bill comes at the perfect time as it was passed during World Week for Animals in Labs, which brings attention to the issues of animal testing and cruelty. Thanks to the…

Celebrate another Beagle Freedom Law!
Maryland just became the 7th state to pass the Beagle Freedom Law! What was once a novel concept is now a national expectation. Every dog and cat that has endured caged cruelty for our products and curiosities in laboratories should at least get a chance at real life, liberty and a home. Thank you for fighting for their freedom. Together we are ending animal testing one rescued survivor at time. Please show love and appreciation for all those who made this possible, but especially our legislative allies: Governor Hogan, the…

Pups At Statehouse: Puppy Mill Sales Banned At Pet Stores
Gov. Larry Hogan has signed a ban on the sale of puppy mill dogs at Maryland pet stores, and a law requiring lab animals to be adopted. ANNAPOLIS, MD — Animal rescue groups and shelters celebrated Tuesday as Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan signed a law that bans the sale of puppy mill dogs in pet stores. Dogs and owners celebrated at the Statehouse, while owners of the few remaining pet stores affected criticized the law. “An overwhelming majority of Marylanders agree – holding puppies is the best part of any…

Governor signs Beagle Bill
ANNAPOLIS, Md. – Governor Larry Hogan signed more than 200 bills into law Tuesday morning, some of which cracks down on repeat violent offenders and those who commit crimes with guns. The one bill that made Hogan smile the most was the so-called Beagle Bill, named for the most common dog breed used in testing. The bill will require cats and dogs used for research to be given a chance at adoption. When the animal is no longer needed, research facilities will have to give them to animal rescue organizations.…

Coalition Of Campaigners Sues Trump Administration's Decision To Censor Animal Welfare Data
A coalition of animal and health organizations has filed a lawsuit challenging the Trump administration’s decision to conceal animal welfare records. The censored documents include information about revealing whether laboratories, puppy mills, roadside zoos, and other animal-using businesses are engaged in practices that violate the federal Animal Welfare Act [AWA]. Campaigners from animal rights charity PETA, the Physician’s Committee For Responsible Medicine [PCRM], the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and the Rescue and Freedom Project (formerly the Beagle Freedom Project) are all plaintiffs in the case.…