This 14-year-old sweetheart was rescued from a hoarder/backyard breeder. Birdie was severely neglected and is now undergoing medical care for a massive hernia, terrible skin infection, rotten teeth and more. Birdie is also hearing impaired. She will be ready for adoption when she is all fixed up but we are accepting applications now! Located in Los Angeles. Will be ready for adoption after surgery and medical care. read more
Author: BFP

Walker's Texas Rangers 13
We were asked to help and jumped at the chance to rescue these severely neglected dogs from a hoarding situation. While Beagle Freedom Project specializes in rescuing animals from animal testing, we also help rescue animals from other forms of unique cruelty, like neglect so severe that it rises to the level of abuse. read more

Sherman was rescued from a laboratory as part of our South Korea 29 #TogetherAcrossBorders rescue! Sherman was very sensitive and emotionally shut down when he was rescued by BFP. After a few days of love and patience from his wonderful adopter, he transformed into such a social, silly Beagle! His favorite activities are sniffing the yard and barking at shoes! read more

Mimi was shy and fearful in the shelter cage, but now in her foster home, Mimi has blossomed into her true beagle self: Playful, fun, and cuddly! Mimi loves her foster mama and foster furry siblings and definitely wants to find a home of her own with one or maybe two doggie siblings! read more

Spring Fling Rescue
Beagle Freedom Project is thrilled to announce that we have rescued 20 rabbits used in animal testing! We have a matching donation of $5,000 and would like to raise a total of $10,000 to cover their extensive care and transportation to Southern California. read more

South Korean 29
Beagle Freedom Project, in conjunction with Beagle Rescue Network, South Korea, is thrilled to announce that we have rescued 29 beagles used in animal testing! BFP made a commitment to save all 29 beagles by sponsoring their rescue so that they could be released and experience freedom. read more

Meet Rudy! Rudy was found hiding under a semi truck suffering from severe injuries to his shoulder and paw, apparently after being hit by a car. We knew we had to help this little guy - just 22 pounds! - and he is now on the mend with expert veterinary care and TLC. Rudy is a sweet, quiet fella who loves to lay in the sun. He’s a bit timid but warms up quickly to everyone. Rudy would also like you to know he loves chips and mashed potatoes. He’s…

BFP on Watch What Happens Live! by Andy Cohen
Thank you Andy Cohen for raising the awareness that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, laboratories and animal shelters across the nation have begun closing their doors and Beagle Freedom Project is working around the clock to take in any and ALL animals who need placement! read more

The Federal Beagle Freedom Bill
Beagle Freedom Project’s signature legislation, the “Beagle Freedom Bill,” aka the “Right to Release,” is on its way to becoming federal law! It requires laboratories to offer dogs and cats for adoption after the experiments and testing have ended, instead of killing them, to a humane society or non-profit animal rescue organization like BFP. read more

Tiny Dancer
Little Tiny Dancer was brought into the shelter as a stray. The minute we saw her, we knew we had to spring her and find the perfect loving home for this sweet beauty. Tiny Dancer is living with several other little dogs at her foster’s home and gets along with them all very well. She’s a cuddler and loves to be held - she is just a sweetheart! read more

Mildred (nicknamed Millie) is nothing but sweet love. She will give you soft kisses (at first meeting!) and Millie loves to tuck herself in next to you for a good nap. Though she is partially blind with cataracts, Millie takes to new environments very well. She’s actually a little independent! She loves to go on short, gentle walks but also will happily mosey around a backyard. read more

Yes, it's true - Dreamboat is ready to go to his forever home! Rescued after being found in a ditch after being hit by a car, Dreamboat has been living with a foster while he recuperated from his injuries and completed his physical therapy. read more