A quartet of professors at the University of Missouri-Columbia purposefully blinded six beagles — and then killed them after the research they were conducting failed to heal their wounded corneas. That’s according to a paper published in the 2016 Journal of Veterinary Opthamology, which details the ineffective treatment and the dogs’ untimely end. The pups were just nine to twelve months at the time they endured the experiment and then were killed. Dan Kolde is a St. Louis-based attorney for the Beagle Freedom Project, which seeks to rescue and protect the…
Author: BFP

Rescuers without Borders
From South Korea to Mexico, Australia to all parts of Europe, and 36 U.S. states in between – there is no destination Beagle Freedom Project will not journey to in order to rescue animals from laboratory languish! This month I got to go home for a very special rescue of 10 beagles from an Eastern European pharmaceutical lab. As a Dutch national living in the U.S. (and working hard as the Adoptions Coordinator for BFP) I was overjoyed to be able to go home and welcome 10 new furry friends…

Rescuing The Grampas - How BFP Rescued 14 Year Old Seniors from A Life of Hell
Meet Alvin, Simon & Theodore, beagles just shy of 14 years of age, raised and tested on in a horrific laboratory and then thrown away at an overcrowded, under-funded shelter. These three sweet seniors, have never had the opportunity to exercise, stretch or play…. They have been confined in cages their entire lives. BFP partners in South Korea notified us about them and we immediately began working to secure their release, which was not easy. These guys, being old and having been neglected, needed serious medical care before they could…

Summer of Freedom Rescues!
11 states. 5 laboratories. 38 beagles. 1 month. Announcing BFP’s historic multi-lab, multi-state, and largest U.S. beagle rescue to date! 38 beagles freed in the largest coordinated release. Literally from coast to coast and several states in between scores of new families were created in an unprecedented rescue operation. Despite “animal industry” opposition and obstacles, BFP quietly secured the release and freedom of dozens of “purpose-bred for research” beagles after the labs deemed them “experimentally spent.” BFP prevailed upon the lab workers to let us help them instead of just…

The 'LA Love' Rescue!
LA is the city of angels and there could not be four more precious ones than our latest laboratory rescues. Poppy, Molly, Libra, and Jackson who all just found their freedom in LA! These sweet beagles have spent about two years old or so in a laboratory being tested on, and are finally starting a real life…. and what a way to start it! Greeted by celebrity supporters and the BFP Kids – the beagles got lots of hugs, kisses, tummy rubs, and treats (of course!). Their late afternoon arrival…

Michigan Mania!
Forget Ford – Michigan is all about freed laboratory beagles! BFP’s first rescue in the Wolverine state came recently with the release of 4 sweet girls: Dani, Charity, River, and Gracie. These lucky ladies were freed from an area lab in September. All are between 4-5 years of age are beginning their acclimation to freedom, love, and a normal home life. Some are having an easier go of it, but all are making progress. Gracie is our petite little love bug. She is easy to cuddle and loves the affection.…

Our San Francisco Treats!
Emma and Riley are the true San Francisco treats (not Rice-a-Roni). Both are about three years old and were sprung free just in time to celebrate Independence Day. They are exploring their new lives in true beagle fashion, full of enthusiasm, goofiness, and boundless appetites. Meet Emma: She is a baby doll. She loves to be cradled on her back in your arms having her tummy scratched while she looks lovingly into your eyes. She is so playful too. Chasing balls, chewing toys, and romping with her new foster canine…

Jersey Joys
Meet the 7 new freed members of the BFP family! This group of beagles were all rescued from a Jersey area laboratory and are just beginning their new lives of freedom, comfort, and peace. Brownie, Buddy, Red, Cherise, Conway, Ruby, and Herman all range in ages from one year of age to five. They bring their own unique personalities and are all adjusting to this great big new world at their own pace. The rescued dogs finally got to meet each other and have some good ‘ol fashioned beagle playtime.…

The DC 7
Beagle Freedom Project successfully rescued 7 beagles from a laboratory near Washington DC. All the dogs have spent their entire 4 year-old lives inside and are just now taking their first breaths of fresh air and starting their new lives! The six boys and one girl are all incredibly affectionate and so eager to explore the world. This rescue is proudly being called our Baines-Rutan Rescue, as two of our BFP Board members covered most of the upfront costs to make this liberation day possible! Often beagles straight out of…

The Midwest 10
These 10 rescued beagles were from a laboratory in the mid west. They had spent their lives in a laboratory being tested on, some for almost seven years. These 10 beautiful boys arrived in Los Angeles on February 27th 2013 and were greeted by dedicated volunteers and even some celebrities. Unsure of what to make of the large scale of the outdoors, many gingerly took steps, while others began romping freely. After giving their lives to medical research, it is our hope, that they will overcome their fears and trauma…

The San Diego 10
We rescued 10 sweet angels from a horrific lab in San Diego. These poor boys were so sick, many had teeth so rotten, we had to get 10-11 teeth on several pulled out. After LOTS of medical care, massage therapy, and LOVE, they are all thriving in their forever homes! One of them has wires running through his entire body, another has a heart murmer and congestive heart failure and yet another has Cushings. One, Billy, is even a therapy dog for people now!