FREEDOM for 13 beagles from animal experimentation! Our beagles made it home last night thanks to all of your support and a great team. These sweet beagles have endured so much, from animal experimentation, to living in filth then a heroic but frightening standoff and rescue with our wonderful brave partners who took possession of them while en route to be butchered in a province in China. read more
Category: International Rescues

Home Sweet Home
These 18 beagles were rescued from illegal trafficking on their way to be butchered and eaten, originating from laboratories (being tested on), breeders and even as people’s companions. Our partners at No Dogs Left Behind, got them safe and just as we were preparing to get them to safety to us in the United Stated, COVID hit! read more

Rescue Beagles: A Life Away From The Lab
Many research labs across the country use animals for testing products such as make-up or medicines. For the past decade, advocates have pushed to get more of these animals — especially research dogs — adopted after they are no longer needed. Just a handful of states have policies in place. Illinois just recently joined that list. Lucy is a three-year-old beagle who grew up in a research laboratory. Last year, she was rescued by the California-based organization the Beagle Freedom Project who paired her up with Lauren and Scott Knudsen…

Pudding’s Story
Imagine living in the world under a blanket of darkness… scared of what maybe lurking all around you, uncertain of what lies ahead of each step you take, not knowing where you even are at times. Losing ones vision is one the greatest fears humans have. Now imagine that you are not only blind, but also stuck in a laboratory cage. Your whole world is perceived through sound and smell. The loud clanging of metal doors and cages, the echoes of voices bouncing off cinderblock walls and cement floors, other…

Paula’s Story
There is one in every rescue group. The dog that saw, heard, and physically felt too much. That special soul with a gentle psyche, so beautifully innocent and so very fragile. That one survivor in the group who is not enthusiastically bewildered by the exciting new concept of freedom, but instead shell-shocked and dazed. We remember their faces, like that of Abe, Raymond, and Lucia. On January 11th 2018, that dog was Paula. She is a Shepherd-Beagle mix and is only a year old. Ordinarily such a dog would…

Year of the Dog!
1. What’s the story? Who, what, where, and why! The story is that: In September of 2017 our rescue friends at BeagleChina and their amazing volunteers managed to rescue over 25 beagles from experimentation from various laboratories throughout China. Most of these survivors were between the ages of 9 and 10 and suffering from serious health concerns. Over the course of the fall, BeagleChina and volunteers were able to find adopters for half of the dogs, primarily the younger and healthier beagles. The remaining dogs were moved to rescue centers…

Across the Pond Rescues!
Simultaneous rescue missions in England and New England welcomes 14 beagles to freedom, families, and affection! The BFP elves were busy the first weekend of December as our teams hop-scotched from Britain to Boston popping open cage doors. Kicking things off in London, BFP and its rescue partner Vackoló Állatvédő Egyesület eagerly took in seven 2 year old male and female beagles from a European laboratory. These survivors have been dubbed, the “Bond Beagles” because it takes superior skill and expertise to be able to get them out of the…

Rescuers without Borders
From South Korea to Mexico, Australia to all parts of Europe, and 36 U.S. states in between – there is no destination Beagle Freedom Project will not journey to in order to rescue animals from laboratory languish! This month I got to go home for a very special rescue of 10 beagles from an Eastern European pharmaceutical lab. As a Dutch national living in the U.S. (and working hard as the Adoptions Coordinator for BFP) I was overjoyed to be able to go home and welcome 10 new furry friends…

Rescuing The Grampas - How BFP Rescued 14 Year Old Seniors from A Life of Hell
Meet Alvin, Simon & Theodore, beagles just shy of 14 years of age, raised and tested on in a horrific laboratory and then thrown away at an overcrowded, under-funded shelter. These three sweet seniors, have never had the opportunity to exercise, stretch or play…. They have been confined in cages their entire lives. BFP partners in South Korea notified us about them and we immediately began working to secure their release, which was not easy. These guys, being old and having been neglected, needed serious medical care before they could…

The Spanish 40
Beagle Freedom Project rescued 40 beagles from a laboratory in Spain where some had spent their entire lives. Others had come from other labs to the lab in Spain, only to be tested on in there. These 40 male beagles had spent their entire lives being test on in a laboratory in Spain. The lab was closing and some nice technicians were looking for placement instead of killing them. Nobody in Spain could take them, so when we found out at the 11th hour, we stepped in! After a week…