Hi, I’m Riley and it’s been almost 5 years since my March 18, 2013 rescue –the Midwest 10! It’s my #freedomversary! Want to celebrate with me as I tell all about my life today? BFP: How did your family find you? A local news story in LA featured the (then) Beagle Freedom Project and told about the rescue of the Spanish 40, and one of my dads saw it and called the TV station to get contact information. It moved very quickly from there, because my rescue was HAPPENING and…
Category: Where Are They Now?

Ahoy, Mateys! Batten down the hatches and read on to find out why we are talking like a Pirate this week. Yo Ho Ho. . .meet Rousseau! BFP: How did your family find you? Rousseau: My family found me because they like to hang out with my foster mom. They fell in love with me right from the start, and their beagle (Wally) didn’t have much longer to live. I knew they would need some special beagle love. BFP: How did you get your name? Rousseau: I was named after…

Heigh ho, heigh ho. . .it’s back to Boston we go. We keep on smiling as we meet another insanely adorable pup with an insanely adorable story. From the Beantown Beagles rescue, we present: Ella!  BFP: How did your family find you? Ella: My mom’s friend (Betty, Teddy’s mom) was fostering me. Betty was also dog sitting Sammi (my soon to be greyhound sister). Betty would send pictures of us sitting together with my mom. Who could resist the sweetest beagle in the world?  BFP: How did you…

Xena, Pixel and Enzo's Stories
Oh me, oh my! For the first time, we have ourselves some cats featured in our weekly Where Are They Now series. And you are in for a (hilarious) treat with these three rascals. . .from Austin, Texas, meet the Fab 3  Xena, Pixel and Enzo!   BFP: Tell us about the rescue you were part of? Xena: I will do most of the talking for us. Enzo is pretty shy … and Pixel, well, Pixel … Pixel: Not a cat Xena: As I said … Pixel ……

Mimi's Story
It’s Wednesday, so that means it’s time for ‘Where are they Now?’. This week we travel back to California to meet Mimi from the NorCal 11rescue. Read on to find out all about Mimi’s life after freedom. BFP: How did your family find you? Mimi: My family found out about me when they saw a news story about Belle from the NorCal rescue. They already had two dogs but knew they had to try to adopt from a rescue organization. BFP: How did you get your name? Mimi: My other…

Finn's Story
Back to the east coast this week to meet one of the Beantown Beagles. Affectionately called ‘Baby’ by his human sister, Erin, meet Barkhamsted, CT resident Finn! BFP: How did your family find you? Finn: My mom watched a video of BFP Viva Las Vegas Rescue and started researching like crazy. And then. . .ta-da! I appeared! BFP: How old are you? Finn: I am turning 5 in February (I think–I’m not so good with numbers). BFP: How did you get your name? Finn: My foster mom Connie named me…