Jazzy Jazzy Jasmine. That's me! I want to dance, play and flip around. Play is my middle name and I want to play with you! read more
Author: BFP

Hi I'm Aurora, I'm a pretty happy kitty who is looking for a forever home. I like other kittens and I love to play and roll around. I need some scratches and to be pet and to nestle into a loving family! read more

Our little Ariel is truly an angel! She is super sweet, plays with everyone and knows how to love. read more

Take a look a little Elsa! What a cutie-pie. Spring loaded, loves to play and will cuddle up anytime. read more

Hoosier was rescued by Beagle Freedom Project after a local shelter in Indiana found a tattoo in his ear and contacted us. Suspected to be used in animal testing, he is now enjoying his freedom and is seeking his forever home with a loving family. When he first realized he was free and safe, he hopped excitedly around and flip kicked in joy. read more

Meet sweet, sweet Gunner! He is amazing with other dogs, kids and cats. This boy wants to play and hang out and cuddle in a loving home where he can run around a yard and maybe take in a hike or two! read more

Patty Cakes
I’m Patty Cakes! I enjoy long walks across the back of the sofa and evenings at home curled up on a person’s shoulder! I was brought into the shelter only a few days old with some serious medical issues but I’ve been in foster care and now that I’m a big girl - all of 2 1/2 pounds - I’m much better. read more

Photo Reveals a Horrific Day in the Life of a Lab Beagle – Here’s What We Can Do to Help
The term “lab animals” often conjures up images of white rabbits and mice or rats. While most people might not know the specifics of what animals are used for in experiments, they are somehow comfortable with knowing these rodents are subjected to life in a lab. Well, we could only wish that these animals were ever only tasked with completing mazes in exchange for cheese, but sadly this isn’t the case. There are over 100 million animals subjected to painful cosmetic and pharmaceutical tests in the U.S. every year. If…

A Victory Against the USDA & APHIS
Beagle Freedom Project is happy to announce a victory in our case against the USDA & APHIS! In February, 2017, vital animal records related to laboratories, puppy mills, roadside zoos, circuses, and other animal-exploiting enterprises were illegally removed from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s website. read more

Meet the very handsome Billy. Billy has been making great strides - literally up and down stairs. He is a very curious boy and is adaptable to new environments. Billy loves people and greets them gently with his 2 paws! read more

Hi, I’m Asher! Clearly I like to play and usually I demand attention! If I walk by you, I expect you to pet me because I’m fun-loving obviously adorable! This is what I love: Zoomies, Sleeping in a big bed, Chewing paper, Stealing socks, Other doggies, Steak and ground beef – Walks!!! This is what I don’t like: Garbage trucks on pick up day, When my socks get taken away, Sudden loud noises on my walks! read more

Walter is sweet and loving, and loves to nestle into bed! At first he did not know how to play and had never learned how. Now he runs after the ball, jumps on the couch, and leaps onto cushions! He does zoomies and will chase the tennis ball forever! He runs into things, he tries to jump, misses, but it doesn’t phase him - he just lives to play now. read more