FDA Modernization Act promises to spare animals, bring safer and better treatments to patients, and drive down drug prices. Today's Congressional vote means the FDA will no longer mandate animal-testing for new pharmaceuticals. read more
Author: BFP

Happy 12 Year Anniversary, BFP
12 years ago today, I had the honor and privilege of rescuing two very special beagles who had been born in Marshall BioResources (MBR), a horrific breeding facility which tests on and sells animals to laboratories and other abusive and exploitive facilities. They never had a chance. read more

The Pain Won't Stop Me
My name is Mirabel, that’s latin for “of wondrous beauty.” I often wonder if my rescuers named me that because they rescued me from a plastic surgery animal experimentation laboratory. read more

BFP on UK's Talk TV with Kevin O'Sullivan
Shannon Keith, President & Founder of Beagle Freedom Project, Janie & Scarlett, ambassadors of Beagle Freedom Project international, appeared on Kevin O'Sullivan's Talk TV in Britain to discuss BFP's mission and it's opening of it's United Kingdom branch and what that means for animal testing and it's END in the UK! read more

Beagles Take First Steps of Freedom After Being Rescued From Overseas Lab
In recent years there has been a large movement away from animal testing. This means that dogs that were previously being used for testing in laboratories are being rescued and becoming available for adoption, just like these pups. read more

34 Beagles Rescued!
On September 7, BFP liberated 34 beagles and 7 cats from a testing facility! Our rescue team then traveled the country to get them to their foster homes in Sante Fe, NM and Flagstaff, AZ. read more

Meghan, Prince Harry adopt beagle rescued from abuse at Virginia plant
In less than two months, Mamma Mia the beagle went from rags to royalty. Her changed life began in July when federal authorities rescued her — along with 4,000 other beagles — from overcrowded and unsanitary conditions at the Envigo breeding and research plant in Virginia.

Seven Beagles Rescued From Cruel Research Facility Where They Were Unable to See the Sun or Walk on Grass
The non-profit Beagle Freedom Project has rescued seven beagle boys who spend their entire lives as test subjects in a research facility. read more

Open Cages, Naming Names
Shannon Keith, Founder and President of Beagle Freedom Project (BFP), inspires listeners with personal stories of why scientific experimentation on dogs in research laboratories needs to end. read more

Hi, I’m Ford! I’ve been trapped for years, but I’m finally free thanks to BFP. I can’t wait to experience freedom and see what my new life is like! I enjoy playing with other dogs and would do well with one in my home to show me the ropes. I love meeting new people and am excited to see what it’s like to be cuddled and kissed! I’m looking forward to playing with new friends and relaxing with my forever family. I have so much love to give and am…

The ugly truth about dog food testing
When most people imagine testing for dog and cat food, they picture animals excitedly waiting for kibble to fill their bowls, tongues out and tails wagging, before rushing over to scarf it down. read more

rē•envisioning a World Without Animal Testing - Beagle Freedom Project is making this possible
National Animal Rights Awareness Week is June 13-19, an ideal time to broaden notions of wellness to include animal welfare. Beyond dietary considerations like shopping for humanely-raised meat, or adopting flexitarian or vegan diets, there are opportunities to make your lives more animal-friendly in your fashion, beauty, and personal care-related choices. read more