Meet the lucky survivors of “Robbie’s Rescue,” named after an angel up above watching over these eight lucky survivors from China. Daisy, Jenny, Abby, Alice, Betty, Eileen, Rita and Ella all animal testing survivors that were rescued from a truck heading to slaughter. LET THAT SINK IN. They were experimented on then going to be slaughtered for meat. That is more pain and suffering than any life should ever endure. They came to us with missing and rotting teeth, canines growing inwards causing severe pain, heart issues, curious implants in…
Category: Highlights

Freedom For All
On the very same day the Beagle Freedom Bill was signed by Delaware Governor John Carney, the Rhode Island State Senate voted in the same life-saving bill, which now heads to Governor Gina Raimondo’s desk for signature! Delaware is now the eighth and Rhode Island is soon to be the ninth state to pass this historic legislation that mandates the release of healthy adoptable dogs and cats from research when they would otherwise be killed. Our supporters like you helped make it happen as did our beagle survivors who are…

Dogs Find Forever Homes In US After Escaping Meat Trade In China
LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) — Five dogs rescued from the Chinese food market arrived in Los Angeles Saturday to find forever homes. The group — Rescue And Freedom Project — says ten dogs in all were rescued. Some of the dogs have also been used for experiments in labs, the group says. Eight were rescued from the food truck, the other two suffered chemical burns and paralysis. The five dogs that arrived Saturday include three beagles, a Labrador and a husky. The remaining dogs will arrive in the US on July…

Bills That Will Enable Former Lab Animals to Be Adopted Into Forever Homes Pass in 2 States!
The Beagle Freedom Bill, a game-changing measure which allows former lab dogs and cats to be adopted into homes, has just passed in the eighth and ninth state to sign it into law. The Research Animal Retirement Act was passed in Delaware and Rhode Island, and it will change the lives of countless animals as it legally obliges laboratories to release dogs and cats no longer used for testing to rescue organizations that will provide the animals with normal lives and loving homes. In Delaware, The Research Animal Retirement Act,…

Year of the Dog Rescue Recap
In Chinese astrology, each year is related to a Chinese zodiac animal. 2018 is Year of the Dog and we took this to heart! We kicked off 2018 with the rescue of 15 dogs from China. 12 of the dogs were beagles rescued from animal testing. 2 of the dogs were rescued from the meat trade and 1 was a shelter stray in bad condition with a malformed leg. Watch their inspirational stories of freedom and survival and share the love. Grab your tissues!

A Blind Survivor
Meet Maria. 10 years old, blinded from the testing done to her inside a Chinese laboratory. Then impregnated, for what was probably at least the 10th time. Maria had never known sunshine, grass, toys or treats. Maria had her sight stolen from her before she could even see the world she will come to know now... because now, she is FREE. read more

Motion Proposes LA Government Only Uses Cruelty-Free Products
A motion to ensure Los Angeles’ city government only purchases supplies such as cleaning products and hand soaps that are free from animal testing was introduced Wednesday by Councilman Bob Blumenfield. “Testing cleaning products on animals is not only based on flawed and arcane science, but it is simply despicable and disturbing that major companies in our country treat man’s best friend like a science experiment,” Blumenfield said. “We can do better and we must do better.” As part of the proposal, Blumenfield celebrated the nonprofit animal rights organization, Beagle…

Celebrate another Beagle Freedom Law!
Maryland just became the 7th state to pass the Beagle Freedom Law! What was once a novel concept is now a national expectation. Every dog and cat that has endured caged cruelty for our products and curiosities in laboratories should at least get a chance at real life, liberty and a home. Thank you for fighting for their freedom. Together we are ending animal testing one rescued survivor at time. Please show love and appreciation for all those who made this possible, but especially our legislative allies: Governor Hogan, the…

Animal rescue group Cuts the Cruelty by exposing company toying with animals in labs
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE LOS ANGELES, CA—Animal protection group Beagle Freedom Project (BFP), known internationally for rescuing hundreds of animals from animal research laboratories, is announcing its new “Cut the Cruelty” campaign, to shine a bright light on companies with cruel ties to animal testing. First up, Marshall Pet Products, a pet supply retailer selling toys and treats, is also the largest U.S. supplier of beagles, ferrets and other animals used in laboratory experiments. Online retail giant has already pulled all merchandise from Marshall Pet Products after BFP informed them…

Swipe right for puppy love!
Looking for Love? Look no further…. All these animals are available to be your next soulmate. Is it a match? Swipe right to adopt.

Life Saving Laws
It’s a simple and common-sense idea, when dogs and cats are no longer needed in experiments they should get a chance at a real life…. full of freedom and affection. All the labs have to do is not kill them. Sadly, many in the laboratory industry would prefer to do just that and are fighting to kill this bill (and the dogs).

From Hell to Hollywood
A story of survival in four acts… ACT 1. R+FP’s Chinese rescue partners pull two Mastiffs from a literal pit of despair. These two were destined to be someone’s dinner. They are alive, but just barely.