Trigger warning: This episode contains mentions of animals being used for pharmaceutical testing purposes, talk of animals being abused and animals dealing with issues of PTSD and the fallout that comes from surviving life in testing facilities. read more
Category: In The Press

'Band of Brothers' actor rescues huskies from local breeder
"Band of Brothers" actor Ross McCall has teamed up with the Beagle Freedom Project to rescue 20 dogs from a licensed breeder they describe as a puppy mill. read more

BFP on UK's Talk TV with Kevin O'Sullivan
Shannon Keith, President & Founder of Beagle Freedom Project, Janie & Scarlett, ambassadors of Beagle Freedom Project international, appeared on Kevin O'Sullivan's Talk TV in Britain to discuss BFP's mission and it's opening of it's United Kingdom branch and what that means for animal testing and it's END in the UK! read more

Beagles Take First Steps of Freedom After Being Rescued From Overseas Lab
In recent years there has been a large movement away from animal testing. This means that dogs that were previously being used for testing in laboratories are being rescued and becoming available for adoption, just like these pups. read more

rē•envisioning a World Without Animal Testing - Beagle Freedom Project is making this possible
National Animal Rights Awareness Week is June 13-19, an ideal time to broaden notions of wellness to include animal welfare. Beyond dietary considerations like shopping for humanely-raised meat, or adopting flexitarian or vegan diets, there are opportunities to make your lives more animal-friendly in your fashion, beauty, and personal care-related choices. read more

Nominate A Local Animal Hero: Rick and Dawn Morris
Clear the Shelters: Pawsitively Good Awards is recognizing Rick and Dawn Morris, who help rescue animals from testing labs, for going above and beyond to help animals in need. read more

Investigation into Mount Vernon animal testing lab shines light on nationwide reality, push for research adoption legislation
Last week, 44News reported on the Humane Society of the United States’ undercover investigation into Mount Vernon, Indiana animal testing lab Inotiv claiming dozens of beagles subjected to daily drug tests are set to be killed any day now.

Helped Beeps Get Back on Her Feet
In their 37 years together, Robert and his wife, Karin, have always enjoyed the comfort and companionship of dogs. “Our first was Calvin; he was our child,” says Robert. After Calvin, the couple adopted two beagles named Rudy and Archie, whom they had for 13 years. read more

Kat Novak with her beagle Vito
Catonsville resident Katherine Novak got her pet beagle from a rescue program called Beagle Freedom Project. They rescue beagles who would otherwise be sentenced to death after being used for animal testing. read more

Beagle Freedom Project: Saving dogs from becoming lab rats
Cosmetics, cleaning supplies, baby products, mouthwash, deodorant, shampoo, medical devices, and medicine … the list goes on and on of everyday items you probably have in your house right now that are tested on animals. read more

Beagle Org Demands Dr. Fauci Stop Supporting Animal Testing
Dr. Fauci and the NIH are getting a clear message ... STOP supporting animal testing in the wake of allegations his agency used taxpayer money to bankroll torturous dog research. The Beagle Freedom Project, a nonprofit animal advocacy and rescue organization, fired off a letter to Fauci. read more

Fauci under fire by beagle organization over alleged puppy experiments
Dr. Anthony Fauci should face charges if his National Institutes of Health division continues to fund a lab in Tunisia that allegedly tortures and kills dozens of beagle puppies for twisted scientific experiments, a rescue organization said. read more