What is the USDA’s Animal Abuser Registry? For more than a decade, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA-APHIS) maintained an online database of records related to the enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act (AWA). read more
Category: Highlights

Reverse the USDA's Blackout of Information Related to Animals in Labs!
Today, without warning, the Trump administration ordered that the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal Plant Health Inspection Service immediately take offline thousands and thousands of records related to Animal Welfare Act-related entities, including research facilities that experiment on dogs and cats. read more

Across the Pond Rescues!
Simultaneous rescue missions in England and New England welcomes 14 beagles to freedom, families, and affection! The BFP elves were busy the first weekend of December as our teams hop-scotched from Britain to Boston popping open cage doors. Kicking things off in London, BFP and its rescue partner Vackoló Állatvédő Egyesület eagerly took in seven 2 year old male and female beagles from a European laboratory. These survivors have been dubbed, the “Bond Beagles” because it takes superior skill and expertise to be able to get them out of the…

Beagle Freedom Project Offers to Settle Mizzou Litigation — for $1 and an Adoption Plan
A group of animal-loving advocates has a deal for Mizzou. Beagle Freedom Project, the California-based non-profit suing the University of Missouri over an $82,000 bill for public records related to the care of animals used in medical research, says the university could face up to $900,000 in fines, plus attorney fees and costs, over its Sunshine law missteps. But the non-profit will settled the suit with Mizzou for just $1 — provided the university agrees to work with it to safeguard the animals’ well-being. Among its demands? That Mizzou develop…

Mizzou Slaughtered Six Beagles After Research Project
A quartet of professors at the University of Missouri-Columbia purposefully blinded six beagles — and then killed them after the research they were conducting failed to heal their wounded corneas. That’s according to a paper published in the 2016 Journal of Veterinary Opthamology, which details the ineffective treatment and the dogs’ untimely end. The pups were just nine to twelve months at the time they endured the experiment and then were killed. Dan Kolde is a St. Louis-based attorney for the Beagle Freedom Project, which seeks to rescue and protect the…

Rescuers without Borders
From South Korea to Mexico, Australia to all parts of Europe, and 36 U.S. states in between – there is no destination Beagle Freedom Project will not journey to in order to rescue animals from laboratory languish! This month I got to go home for a very special rescue of 10 beagles from an Eastern European pharmaceutical lab. As a Dutch national living in the U.S. (and working hard as the Adoptions Coordinator for BFP) I was overjoyed to be able to go home and welcome 10 new furry friends…

Rescuing The Grampas - How BFP Rescued 14 Year Old Seniors from A Life of Hell
Meet Alvin, Simon & Theodore, beagles just shy of 14 years of age, raised and tested on in a horrific laboratory and then thrown away at an overcrowded, under-funded shelter. These three sweet seniors, have never had the opportunity to exercise, stretch or play…. They have been confined in cages their entire lives. BFP partners in South Korea notified us about them and we immediately began working to secure their release, which was not easy. These guys, being old and having been neglected, needed serious medical care before they could…

Summer of Freedom Rescues!
11 states. 5 laboratories. 38 beagles. 1 month. Announcing BFP’s historic multi-lab, multi-state, and largest U.S. beagle rescue to date! 38 beagles freed in the largest coordinated release. Literally from coast to coast and several states in between scores of new families were created in an unprecedented rescue operation. Despite “animal industry” opposition and obstacles, BFP quietly secured the release and freedom of dozens of “purpose-bred for research” beagles after the labs deemed them “experimentally spent.” BFP prevailed upon the lab workers to let us help them instead of just…

The Spanish 40
Beagle Freedom Project rescued 40 beagles from a laboratory in Spain where some had spent their entire lives. Others had come from other labs to the lab in Spain, only to be tested on in there. These 40 male beagles had spent their entire lives being test on in a laboratory in Spain. The lab was closing and some nice technicians were looking for placement instead of killing them. Nobody in Spain could take them, so when we found out at the 11th hour, we stepped in! After a week…

Our First Rescue
ARME rescued two Beagles from a medical testing laboratory. These dogs had never seen the outdoors, walked on grass or felt a gentle touch. We captured their first steps into a kind world. They had also been de-barked and fed only “laboratory chow.” This is the rescue that kicked off Beagle Freedom Project! Freedom and Bigsby are now living the good life after spending a couple of years in a research laboratory.