Thank you Andy Cohen for raising the awareness that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, laboratories and animal shelters across the nation have begun closing their doors and Beagle Freedom Project is working around the clock to take in any and ALL animals who need placement! read more
Category: Highlights

The Federal Beagle Freedom Bill
Beagle Freedom Project’s signature legislation, the “Beagle Freedom Bill,” aka the “Right to Release,” is on its way to becoming federal law! It requires laboratories to offer dogs and cats for adoption after the experiments and testing have ended, instead of killing them, to a humane society or non-profit animal rescue organization like BFP. read more

New tool helps you shop cruelty-free on Amazon
Beagle Freedom Project has partnered with Tribe to instantly deliver information on companies’ animal testing practices while you shop online. Simply add Tribe to your browser. When you select a product on Amazon, a small box appears in the corner of your browser that shares animal testing information on the product manufacturer. read more

Assemblymember Bloom Reintroduces Legislation to Modernize Animal Blood Banking in California
SACRAMENTO – Today, Assemblymember Richard Bloom (D-Santa Monica) introduced Assembly Bill 1953, legislation to expand licensed veterinarians’ scope of practice to include the collection and sales of blood and blood products collected from dogs.

Oregon becomes 11th state to help save lab animals
We are thrilled to announce that this week Governor Kate Brown of Oregon signed the Beagle Freedom Bill into law, making Oregon the 11th state to recognize that dogs and cats are sentient beings who have the right to a life!

Beagle Freedom Bill provides for adoption after lab research is over
There’s an old expression: Be the person your mom and dog think you are. No one loves us as unconditionally as our moms or our pets. Our pets are family and the law has begun to recognize that to a greater extent. Every state in the union now bans animal cruelty. Just a few weeks ago, President Trump signed the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture Act providing substantial punishments — including up to seven years imprisonment — for those who abuse animals. This federal ban criminalizes animal abuse, animal fighting,…

Beaverton students learn a civics lesson in saving lives
BEAVERTON — Here’s some good news at the tail end of a particularly contentious political year. It’s a story of how a group of Beaverton fifth-graders navigated the intense and dramatic legislative session to help a few animals find good homes. The story begins in 2018, when fifth-grade teacher Courtney Yeager of Beaverton’s Elmonica Elementary was in the middle of teaching a unit on the United Nations’ Global Goals. Students chose to work on goal 15, which has to do with protecting the earth and animals. As part of the…

Laboratory Cats And Dogs In Oregon Have To Be Put Up For Adoption
Starting in January, research facilities in Oregon will be required to place the dogs and cats they no longer need into shelters for adoption. The idea was championed by fifth-grade students at Elmonica Elementary in Beaverton. The class heard about the ‘Beagle Freedom Project’ in California and successfully got Oregon lawmakers to sign on. The project has gotten bills approved in 11 states that researchers put their dogs and cats up for adoption. Founder Shannon Keith said despite being caged most of their lives, the animals make great pets. She…

9 Years Ago Today…
Nine years ago today, I rescued our very first beagles from an animal testing facility in California. Never could I have imagined that the rescue of those two sweet, innocent lives would bring us to where we are today. I am grateful, humbled, touched and honored. read more

BFP Wins Its 3 years Battle Against Mizzou
In 2016, Beagle Freedom Project was forced to bring a lawsuit against Mizzou for failure to disclose documents pertaining to the dogs and cats it performs experimentation tests on in response to BFP’s request under the state’s “Sunshine Law.” read more

Dogs rescued from Mexico animal testing facility get new leash on life
VALLEY VILLAGE, LOS ANGELES (KABC) — Several adorable pups made their way across the Mexico border to Valley Village after spending most of their lives in an animal testing facility. Beagle Freedom Project (BFP) was able to secure their release and get them on the road to freedom. They took their first steps of freedom on grass and into the loving arms of those who work each day to make sure they get to live after the testing. “I’m so surprised that they are so sweet considering what’s been done…

From Cages to Costumes
Look how far our sweet little animal testing survivors have come? From cages to costumes, our rescues teach us to celebrate life and even laugh at ourselves! Happy Halloween from all of us at Beagle Freedom Project! SAFETY TIPS FOR HALLOWEEN read more