Top White House medical adviser Anthony Fauci has come under fire by another animal rights group over reports of inhumane experiments on dogs. The Beagle Freedom Project hinted it would seek to make such experiments illegal. read more
Category: In The Press

New California law will free ‘blood slave’ donor dogs
Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill that will usher in major changes in how life-saving animal blood is collected in California and eventually free “blood slave” donor dogs from captivity. read more

Caged dogs used to be sole source of canine blood supply in California. That’s about to change
SACRAMENTO — California will phase out the controversial use of blood from caged dogs in pet hospitals under a bill signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom on Saturday. read more

Bill that would eliminate ‘blood slave’ donor dogs in California on way to governor’s desk
The days of captive “blood slave” donor dogs may soon be over, forcing major change in how life-saving animal blood is collected in California — but only if the governor signs a hard-fought bill that’s headed to his desk. read more

Bill that would eliminate ‘blood slave’ donor dogs in California on way to governor’s desk – San Bernardino Sun
The era of captive “blood slave” donor dogs is about to end and can force major changes in the way life-saving animals collect blood in California. But only if the governor has signed a fierce bill to his desk. read more

My beagle Hammy was used in a research lab for his first four years of life. I’m so lucky to be his therapy human.
My partner, James, recently surprised me with an illustration from a local artist titled “Hammy the Superdog.” The picture shows my beagle, Hamilton, standing on his hind legs, arms akimbo, sporting little red shorts, what looks like a blue rash guard, matching blue boots and a red cape. At any moment, it seems, he could take off and soar over a cartoon city.

Grounds and Hounds Rescue Roast initiative partners with Beagle Freedom Project
The Grounds and Hounds Rescue Roast initiative has partnered with the Beagle Freedom Project for a great new cause throughout the month of February. Grounds and Hounds Coffee, of course, is a rescue-minded coffee company (they have cool merch, too!), and BFP is a global organization making the lives of dogs, cats, and many other animals a little easier. read more

Beagles rescued from lab in China and brought to U.S.
LOS ANGELES, Calif. (CBS Newspath/WKRC) – A baker’s dozen beagles have been rescued from an animal testing lab in China and transported to the U.S. All 13 dogs arrived on Sunday in southern California.

27 dogs rescued from meat trade in China are headed to California
Dozens of dogs saved from slaughterhouses in China will meet their new fur-ever families in California this weekend thanks to a Big Apple-based rescue group. The 27 lucky pooches — including 18 adorable beagles — will be flown 14 hours from Beijing to Los Angeles by No Dogs Left Behind, which rescues pups from the dog meat trade. read more

Journey’s Journey
El Segundo’s most beloved rescue dog has become a celebrity in his own right, and a bright spot in an otherwise challenging year. With its proximity to Los Angeles and reputation as a choice filming location, it’s no surprise that El Segundo provides an occasional celebrity sighting. read more

Donny Finds a Forever Home
Dog lover and rescuer Maura Ward has now released her new book, Donny Finds His Forever Home. This new book narrates the journey of Donny the beagle as he is rescued from an animal testing lab in South Korea. As Donny is rescued and brought into the United States where he is shown love and affection for the first time, he gets to experience a whole new world outside the confines of his cage in South Korea, where he existed for six years.

Joy over first White House shelter dog reflects growing embrace of rescue pets
The Bidens adopted their German shepherd Major from a Delaware shelter. Pet adoptions in the U.S. have helped enable euthanasia rates to drop. President-elect Biden will bring with him to the White House his two German shepherds: Champ, pictured here, and Major, who will be the first shelter dog to ever live in the White House. The news has thrilled animal lovers, reflecting a growing embrace of rescue pets. MAJOR THE GERMAN shepherd spent his puppyhood in an animal shelter. In January, he’ll move into the White House. After four…