Hi, it’s me Rory! I’ve had a pretty rough 8 years. I spent my whole life locked up in a cage—seeing the same walls, constantly living in fear, and most of all, never experiencing a gentle touch. My life was in the hands of the laboratory facility and they did a lot of unimaginable things to me and my friends, but I’m finally starting to put that behind me! How can I put such horrible things behind me so fast, you ask? The answer is simple: I’m free!!! A few…
Category: Rescued Animals

Howdy! I’m Sherie, Can you believe I’m 8 years old and I just now have a family to call my own? Some of you may not know, but I’ve spent my entire life in a laboratory testing facility. All I ever knew was a cold, metal floor. I saw some unimaginable things. I was in a constant state of terror and never knew what was going to happen to me next. I was losing all hope… Then one day, a few short weeks ago, my life changed forever. My cage…

I’m Hayden! I haven’t always known what it feels like to be loved and cared for. Up until a few weeks ago, I spent 8 years in the same cage, looking at the same walls, being scared of every person that walked past, and always having a pit in my stomach. Fear is the only thing I ever felt. But after me and my friends were rescued, I have a completely new outlook on life! I now know that not all people are bad and that there’s a few that…

What’s up? My name’s Mack! Want to hear something pretty crazy? I’m 8 years old and I spent my entire life locked up in a cage at a laboratory testing facility. 8 years of never feeling love or a gentle touch. 8 years of confinement. 8 years of living in fear. I’m not going to lie, it was pretty hard, but I never lost hope. Then one day, out of the blue, my life changed forever! I was picked up out of my cage and finally felt the love and…

Call me Roy! I’m definitely not your average dog, but boy am I special! I’m only 8 years old, but I have a lot of life experience. I’ve been through a lot and have seen some pretty horrific things— I was a part of a laboratory testing facility. I never had any freedoms and all I ever knew was fear. My life was passing me by and all I could do was watch from inside my cage. I was slowly starting to lose hope, but one day, my dream came…

Hello, my name is Prue! 7 years. That’s how long I spent living inside a laboratory testing facility. 7 years of not knowing a gentle touch. 7 years of looking at the same walls. 7 years of dreaming for a better life. Those 7 years were filled with a lot of unknowns and fear, as I never knew what was going to happen next. But one day, I was taken out of my cage that I called home for so long for good! I didn’t know it then, but my…

Hi! You can call me Shelby! I definitely haven’t lived a normal life. I lived in a cage for 9 years and was used for animal testing. All I was used to was a cold metal cage and the fear of the unknown. When you think of a “dog’s life,” you think about running and playing, having an abundance of toys, and having a family that loves you. That was the dream that always seemed so far out of reach. Until one day… my life changed forever! That dream that…

Hi friends! My name is Reagan, It feels like I’m living in the best dream ever! For as long as I can remember, I was confined to a cage. I didn’t know what a gentle touch felt like and I was constantly living in fear—afraid to go to sleep. What caused this fear you might ask? I was used for animal testing, but I survived!! One minute I was sitting in my cage, just waiting… and before I knew it, I was being carried to freedom! Now, you can find…

Damon is my name and I think I was destined for another life…. In this life I’ve had it pretty rough. Animal testing, confinement, and whole bunch of fear and sleepless nights - for me and my buddies. I was pretty grumpy. I was pretty sad underneath the grumpiness too. We got out though and I tell you, I never saw it coming! Next thing I know people are caring for me and I'm dreaming of all the things I could do and see. So for starters I like to…

Hi! I’m Bay, I’ve just been released from what seems like a very long time cooped up with a bunch of other dogs. We didn’t know anything but cold touches and not feeling very well. We didn’t know love at all. We had each other but we didn’t really know what to do. Then in a matter of days we were taken and delivered to this beautifully sunny yard with all of these humans who seemed so happy to see us. I wasn’t too sure about how to get along…

It’s me Brogan, Here I am. I was in a place where I wished so much I could smell new things and play, but I had no one to play with and no adventures on the horizon. Now I’ve entered this whole new world - it’s a puppy’s play land and I’m smelling and checking out all of it. Before this all I smelled was fear!!! Now I run free. I toss pillows in the air - I’m actually not sure I supposed to do that, but the people looking…

Nice to meet you, I’m Dahlia I’m already 10 and I’ve spent my whole life in a laboratory testing facility. It’s been very hard and I never thought I’d see this day - BUT here I am and I’m going to make the most of my time! So far I think I’m adjusting pretty well to freedom, but who knows, the sky is the limit. What I do know: I love playing with other doggies, I have truly never played before and even though I’m a bit older, I feel…