You did it! We just passed our Beagle Freedom Bill in our 10th state! The state of Washington, notorious for its new animal laboratory, has passed our signature legislation and it was just signed into law by Governor Inslee. read more
Category: Highlights
California’s canine blood banks harvest from caged dogs and operate in secrecy
When Robyn Black rushed her beloved corgi Winston to a veterinary hospital in Sacramento, she told the staff to do whatever it took to heal her pup as an autoimmune disease threatened his life. Winston needed several blood transfusions, but after two days of treatment, the veterinary hospital ran out of the canine lifeline. Pet hospitals often are short on dog blood amid a national shortage that lawmakers say is further exacerbated in California by the state’s restrictive laws that require veterinarians to buy dog blood solely from two blood…
What it's like to run an animal rescue!
It’s hard to image, but there are lots of animals in the world who aren’t treated as nicely as they should be. Luckily there are people like Shannon Keith, who’s the founder and president of an animal rescue organization called Beagle Freedom Project. “Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to help animas, so I started my non-profit in 2004 to rescue animals from all kinds of abusive situations and help them find good homes,” Shannon explains. Keep reading to find out more about her amazing animal job!…
We rescued River from a shelter in South Carolina. An officer found him lying next to the road begging someone to help him! We took him straight to emergency veterinary care, where he has remained in ICU. He is extremely emaciated with open wounds containing maggots. Somebody neglected him for years, and he has the symptoms to show for it. We will do everything we can to help River on his road to recovery.
Assemblymember Bloom Welcomes Canine Blood Bank Survivors Lennon and Skipper to the Capito
AB 366- the California Pet Blood Bank Modernization Act is branded “Lennon’s Law” (Sacramento) – Assemblymember Richard Bloom (D-Santa Monica) along with Wendy Carrillo (D-Los Angeles) and Cottie Petrie-Norris (D-Laguna Beach) were joined at the Capitol today by “Lennon” and “Skipper,” two greyhound dogs rescued from one of California’s two “closed colony” dog blood banks, to share details of their experiences as captive involuntary blood donors at a commercial animal blood bank. California is the only state in the country that prohibits the sale of animal blood for use by…
Santa Monica Lawmaker Introduces Bill Lifting Restrictions on Animal Blood Banks
February 6, 2019 — Under a bill proposed by Santa Monica Assemblymember Richard Bloom, animal blood banks would no longer have to rely on confined dogs and cats. Assembly Bill 366, introduced by Bloom on Monday, would allow the banks in California to use a donor blood collection system, instead of collecting blood exclusively from “closed colonies.” The colonies confine donor animals “to cages and kennels for months or years,” according to Bloom’s staff. “California’s pet blood banking system is outdated and inhumane,” Bloom said. “This bill balances animal welfare…
Santa Monica Assemblymember Bloom introduces AB366 to modernize animal blood banking in CA
Santa Monica Assemblymember Richard Bloom introduced Assembly Bill 366 on Monday, also known as the California Pet Blood Bank Modernization Act, which is aimed at allowing animal blood banks in California to utilize a more humane donor blood collection system for dogs and cats. Did you know that existing California law requires animal blood banks to collect blood exclusively from ‘closed colonies’ – which confines donor animals to cages and kennels for months or even years. While other states allow blood banks to collect animal blood in a voluntary setting.…
Assemblymember Bloom Introduces Legislation to Modernize Animal Blood Banking in California
SACRAMENTO – Today, Assemblymember Richard Bloom (D-Santa Monica) introduced Assembly Bill 366, also known as the California Pet Blood Bank Modernization Act, aimed at allowing animal blood banks in California to utilize a donor blood collection system for dogs and cats. Existing California law requires animal blood banks to collect blood exclusively from so-called “closed colonies” – which confine donor animals to cages and kennels for months or years. By contrast, other states allow blood banks to collect animal blood in a community-based, voluntary setting. These programs don’t rely on…
Share Your Pet's Story & Help Animals in Need
Rescue + Freedom Project’s #RescueLifestyle campaign! The organization is urging supporters to share their animal’s rescue stories in order to promote adopting instead of purchasing from puppy mills and pet stores. Animal lovers are asked to upload a 30-second video to their Instagram or Twitter account featuring their pet’s story of survival followed by their animal’s favorite thing to do now that they are free. All participants are asked to tag @RescueFreedomProject, #RescueLifestyle & mention 3 friends to help spread the message or donate $3 to help fund R +…
Dogs Rescued From South Korea Dog Meat Farm Feel Grass and Freedom for the First Time in Months
A group of four dogs named for members of Queen (because they all just want somebody to love) were able to break free – and are about to have it all. In 2018, Freddie, May, Taylor, and Johnnie – also known as the “Bohemian Woof-sody” – were all stuck in the inhumane squalor of a South Korea dog meat farm. Today, the four canines are on U.S. soil searching for forever families. According to Rescue + Freedom Project, all of the canines, who the organizations says were likely pets before…
Paralyzed beagle found in Floyd County dump gives her rescuers a big surprise.
A paralyzed beagle who dragged herself out of a trash heap in Floyd County had a secret that might have given her even more of a reason to fight for her life. She was going to have puppies. Dixie Rose was found crawling away from a dump near Martin back in December, according to the Rescue Freedom Project. The organization, which works with animals that have been used in laboratory testing, stepped in to help her, and since then, she has been cared for by a foster family near Louisville.…
6 dogs rescued from laboratory in Mexico arrive in Round Rock
ROUND ROCK, Texas (KXAN) — Half a dozen dogs arrived in Round Rock Friday after an animal cruelty prevention organization rescued them from a laboratory in Mexico. The Rescue + Freedom Project took in six dogs as well as five rabbits and six guinea pigs. The charity said the animals were “subjected to a life of confinement” and testing at a lab. “These animals don’t have a voice. We’re their voice for them. They never asked to be sold to a laboratory,” volunteer Martin Palmer said. “There’s no reason for…